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Personnel Committee Minutes November 8, 2006
Personnel Committee                                     Present:        Robert Minardi
November 8, 2006                                                        Jeanne Shapiro
                                                                        Barbara DiBugnara
The Personnel Committee met at the town hall at 7:30 p.m.

The Committee reviewed the draft job description for the transportation driver prepared by Ms. Shapiro based on information provided by Sheila Chmielowski.   Minor revisions were suggested that will be made by Ms. Shapiro.        
The Committee reviewed the position and rated it as a Grade 2 on the Town of Bolton Salary Schedule.
On a motion made by Shapiro and seconded by DiBugnara, the Personnel Committee voted to classify the EMT Cadet position as a temporary employee, in training and placed it on the Town of Bolton’s Salary Schedule at Grade 1,  Step 1 ($12.55) effective July 1, 2007.

The Personnel Committee reviewed the Personnel Bylaw and briefly discussed areas that will be considered for revision to provide more clarification. (i.e. vacation, holidays, longevity)  They also stated that additional revisions would be required if the Personnel Committee were to dissolve.  

Ms. Shapiro agreed to prepare a list of Personnel Committee tasks and recommendation for who will be responsible for them if the Personnel Committee were to dissolve.

The Committee reviewed and submitted a level funded budget for FY08.
Longevity $4,500
Purchase of Service $1,400
Postage $25
Supplies $250
Educational Assistance $5,000
Dues $200
Meetings $500

Meeting adjourned.